PH 523: Quantum Mechanics III
Prof. Kumar Raor


QM1 and 2, STR (including the Electrodynamics part), Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of Classical Mechanics, Contour integrations/Fourier transforms

Course Content

Klein Gordon equation and Applications, Dirac Equation, Discrete Symmetries, Weyl and Majorana spinors, Representations of the Lorentz Group, Basic Introduction to Quantum Field theory, Scalar fields, its quantization, Feynman Propagator, Interaction picture, Feynman Diagrams


I personally liked Gauge theories in particle physics Vol. 1 by Ian Aitchison and Tony Hey for the first couple of parts and Peskin, Schroesder - An introduction To Quantum Field Theory for the last parts


The lectures were hard, so it would be good if you attended them, especially since the concepts get pretty involved in the end. The prof is an amazing teacher, so its super fun to attend the classes as well!y

Assignments, Exams and Grading

So the grading was 30% Assignments, 30% Midsem and 40% Endsem. The exams were super hard as well, so doing assignments is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, both for getting a passing grade as well as practice for the exams. Because the exams were hard, the grading wasnt great as well, like 2 got AA, 1 got AB, and most got BB, but just 2 people failed


Keep up with lectures, it gets really hard to do it at the end!



Department of Physics, IIT Bombay
Mumbai, MH 400076